Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Building Tips for your "Fort in a Bag"

Building a Fort is pure fun and a great way to encourage imagination.  This post is written especially for Adults needing to kick start their imagination and keep pace with those kids.  I have compiled a list of tips that will help you create a unique Fort every time.  My most important tip, remember to get down to the child’s eye level and experience the Fort from the inside.  This is where the memories will be made.  It will be an amazing encouragement to your child in preserving a Heritage.  A Heritage that will be remembered and passed from them to the next generation.  

Your Fort in a Bag comes with the basic tools you need to get started.  Additional furniture is an option but not required.  By using the Clothesline included you can get height for your Fort.  Tie the two ends to a piece of furniture, chair, curtain rod, or my favorite, a door hinge.  Of course you are the judge of where the kids can or cannot attach their Fort and what is a safe location. Score 1 for the Fort in a Bag!  Furniture usage is optional.   

Other items for your infrastructure could include couches, chairs, table (card), bunk beds, or Rubbermaid totes.
Choose a building spot that is not in a high traffic location.  I guarantee you will be much more open to having the Fort up for a few days, or weeks, if it is not in the middle of the Kitchen.

Add your included bed sheets to the Clothesline.  There are ribbons sewn to all 4 corners of your sheet.  It cannot slip away on you!  The simple straight and easy tent uses 1 of your sheets draped over the Clothesline and anchored to low lying furniture at all 4 corners using your ties. 


To increase the size of your Fort to a Fortress use one sheet per side.  Attach the sheet to your Clothesline with your included clothespins.  Remember to use your corner ties on the Clothesline for more strength and longevity.  Score 2 for the Fort in a Bag!  The sheets will not be continuously slipping away on you. 

Remember back to your days of building.  Books are great anchors and elastic bands will work to cover chairs with your sheets if you have run out of clothespins.  

Extra walls could probably be found in your Linen Closet.  However, chances are better that the Fort to last longer if you stay out of the Closet.  The sheets provided in this kit are especially for Fort building.  You will not be looking for these ones or having to rationalize with a 2 year old about dismantling his Fortress.  Score 3 and 4 for the Fort in a Bag! Your Linens stay in your Closet and there are no 2 year old meltdowns.

Consider creating an entrance and an exit for your Fort.  Once you get the little people and the Adult(s) in you may feel claustrophobic and be looking for a quick escape!  

Be sure to add a pillow and favorite Stuffies to the Fort.  It will make it a little more comfortable to sit on once you get in.
Bring snacks into the Fort if you plan to stay awhile.

Bring a few books into your newly built Fort.  Read a few stories and maybe inspire a non reader to become a reader.  Score 5 for the Fort in a Bag!  Your tent is helping to promote literacy.      

Create a special name for your Fort with your child.  Your Fort in a Bag comes with a temporary name until you can decide on a family one.  

Consider a flashlight as an additional gift with your Fort in a Bag.  This is now a bonus gift included with your Fort in a Bag purchased in 2013!  

Stay and share a few extra minutes with your child. Cherish the memories you have just created in your uniquely designed Fort.  Score 6 for the Fort in a Bag!  Your child has a new piece of Heritage they will remember and share with their children in the years to come.

Finally, your Fort in a Bag is Eco-Friendly.  The bed sheets chosen are always repurposed and many times they are vintage pieces. Score 7 for the Fort in a Bag! Thank you for considering my product.  You made the world a little greener today.  

Best of Luck on your Fort building Venture!  It will get easier each time you create, I promise.


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